
Whether you're signing people up for an event, collecting new guest cards, or conducting a survey, forms are a great way to get feedback from your visitors. There are many free and low-cost form building solutions online offering incredible functionality. Rather than build a simple form tool into online hubs, we believe the best way to integrate forms into your online hub is to use these already amazing services that specialize in forms.

The most important part of a form is the backend where your results are collected. This is where your form can be a great help or take up a lot of your time. Here are some of our favorite form builders, how to make the backend work for you, and how to add them to your online hub.

Google Forms is free and offers incredible functionality especially when paired with Google Sheets as the form results location. You can set Google Sheets up to notify you whenever a form is submitted. You can also build your spreadsheet with formulas so that certain operations are done on the form results automatically. For instance, performing calculations or assessing answers based on other data in your spreadsheet. For advanced users, add the extension "Autocrat" and send custom emails based on the form results or even generate documents like certificates immediately and automatically!


wufoo.pngWufoo is a powerful form application that can handle just about any kind of data and integrate payments like PayPal, Stripe, and in the form process. The service comes with hundreds of templates to jump start the building process as well as extensive reporting and analytics. Wufoo offers a limited trial but pricing is 50% off for non-profit organizations.


jotform.pngJotform is easy to use but packs impressive features including payments (PayPal, Stripe, and, analytics, and hundreds of widgets that let you build just about anything. Whether you're creating a simple contact form or a complicated survey, JotForm is an impressive tool. The free plan includes 100 form submissions per month which will be enough for many churches. If you need more, JotForm offers a 50% non-profit discount and even includes a number of templates designed for churches.
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